What is this?

This is a zine, to be published on this website, in print and as an ebook, with works collected and produced during the DESIGN WEEK RI 2022 Design x Fab-o-rama (Sept. 24-25, 2022) in Innovation park in Providence, Rhode Island in 2022.

PVD Poetry poets Wheeler Cowperthwaite, Alicia Pratt and other poets will curate their best poems produced during the two-day expo, taking place on Sept. 24 and 25.

The zine will accept submissions (poetry, fiction, non-fiction and visual art) before and during design week. That includes blueprints, design plans, essays, drawings, musings, anything.

Typewriters will also be available during two days of Design Week, Sept. 24 and 25, for anyone to write their own works and, optionally, have them included in the zine.

Interested in inclusion? Send us an email at pvdpoetry at gmail dot com.

Interested in hosting a typewriter in advance of design week? Email us!

Submit your work for the zine

PVD Poetry is accepting submissions for a zine to be published after the conclusion of  DESIGN WEEK RI 2022 Design x Fab-o-rama, officially over on Sept. 30.

Works can be anything: poetry, short fiction, blueprints, designs, models, sheet music, photographs, drawings, paintings, anything we can publish in a zine.

To submit a work, please email us at pvdpoetry@gmail.com and include in subject line “Design week zine submission”.